Monday, 20 April 2015

After School Surf Sessions

It was BEAUTIFUL today, and I had school :( but nothing would stop me when I got home, so my little sister and I went to the beach after school with surfboards and a GoPro to see what happened. My sister is only 9 and the sea was totally flat, so we spent the time just paddling and chilling on the boards. I tried to teach her how to balance on my old 8ft foam surfboard and experimenting with pictures. I haven't got any kind of accessories for my camera yet and because I am paranoid about losing it in the water, I created a make shift leash out of hair bands.... because I figured it would do the job, and it did work (Thank God). The light was so gorgeous and even though it was freezing, it was fun and I can not wait until I can surf on actual waves all the time in Summer!!! Hope you all had a good weekend, I spent mine re-doing all of my Resistant Materials course-work because I am stupid and left my folder on the train last Thursday :( I was up until 1am doing it last night, so I think it was well deserved break going to the beach today :) I'll try to post more often now that it is nicer weather, and I was wondering if you would like to here about another bracelet that I have bought, not that it will just be a boring gloating post, but I want to show it to you because I think they are really cool and you might be interested.... so let me know if you want to see that. Bye Bye.


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