So, since I last posted I have done 2 weeks of work experience, broken up from school for the Summer holidays, gone to Camp Bestival and found myself (yet again) in the middle of nowhere in Scotland with my family, which isn't so bad because it is so beautiful up here! It's a place called Coran and is near the very top of the UK right on a Loch and surrounded by mountains, so we are going to spend the next 10 days hiking, swimming and sailing… but at the moment everyone else has gone out to climb a Graham (mountain in Scotland that is over 2,500ft) and I am stuck at home because I have the flu :( lucky me. Even so I am going to take as many pictures as possible on the GoPro and disposable camera and post them when I am back home, because it is stunning!! By the end of this holiday our plan is to have climbed a Munro which is every mountain in Scotland which is over 3,00ft… Mainly because we thought it was fitting as we are staying with family and our Surname is Munro so we can't not :')
Before we travelled 15 hours up here we were at Camp Bestival in Dorset from Thursday till Monday and it was so good!! Not only was the music incredible (I saw Clean Bandit, Professor Green, Kaiser Chiefs, DJ Yoda, Ella Eyre, Ella Henderson and Underworld - All amazing!) but I took my best friend and we had an "Unofficial" henna business and would go around asking if people wanted a design and getting paid for them… so basically we were working all day and partying at night, but it was worth it because we made £600 in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Split 50/50 of course but we were not expecting that at all!! We have even decided to start our own small business doing henna and we're going to call ourselves "Henna Girls" I am going to start a Facebook and Instagram account to promote it so I will link them when I have made them.
My God, then before that was my work experience at Fotonow which was so much fun. I met some really great people and was just having a good time all week, but I have also decided to do my Gold Arts Award with them over Summer and the next 8 months which is very exciting because I have already done my Bronze and you can just skip Silver, but Gold gives you UCAS points so is helpful in more than one way, so I recommend doing it if you get the opportunity. During my week with them we made a film about their Camper Obscura and experimented with different types of photography so I will show you what kind of things we got below.
I am going to try my best to keep this updated, sorry if I am slow with posts. Have a great Summer :)
(Sorry, this was supposed to go up last Friday but I had to gather images etc, I am hem now but I will post again in a few days talking about the entire trip :))
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