Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Bracelet splurge....

Hola, so it has been some friends birthdays recently and I was looking around for presents when I came across this really cute website called Puravida bracelets. It is a company that sells loads of different types of bracelet, in all different colours at really cheap prices. The best part is that every bracelet that you buy helps to provide full-time jobs for people in Costa Rica. It is an American company, but has shipping to everywhere and will come within 5-7 days, so it isn't like a 2 month wait for something you are really excited about. They also do bracelets which are made specifically for many many different charities, where all the money goes to the specific charity. I think it is just such a great idea and I think their products are just so gorgeous!!

I have bought 5 in total, but only 3 are for me because I have friends to give them too. I got all original bracelets because I liked the style best, and one charity one. I got the "Sunset Surf Session" which is made up of pinks and oranges, then "Out n About" which is purples and blues, two "Coral Reefin" made up of lovely blues and greens and then my charity one was for the Self Injury Foundation and is made up of different shades of orange.

I think they are so gorgeous and affordable, you should definitely check them out online and on Instagram. I know this isn't a normal post, but I just had to mention it because they are so great, plus, you get 50% off at the moment! These kind of things just make me wish for summer even more, it can't be that bad to be excited already haha.


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